The Five Points of Calvinism – Total Depravity
Total depravity is the Reformed teaching that every single person is totally estranged from God. It teaches that humans are all corrupted by sin; no one could ever hope to be in a right relationship with God on their own merit.
Total depravity is often connected to the doctrine of original sin. This doctrine does not refer to the first sin or to the origin of sin.
Who is Jesus? The God-Man
Jesus is the most famous historical figure in the world. He has been simultaneously admired, hated, obeyed, mocked, and worshiped. And while everyone has heard about Jesus, few today seem to know who He really is.
Who is Jesus? The Great I AM
Did Jesus really ever claim to be divine? Was He God? Or was He just a wise man who taught people to be kind and to love? These are questions that continue to plague the modern mind.
Who is Jesus? Prophet, Priest, King
Jesus is the Prophet that made God’s Word live in us. He is the Priest that shed His blood for us. He is the King that rules over us with justice and peace. Discover more about Jesus, the Prophet, Priest and King.
Who is Jesus? Risen and Reigning Lord
Jesus has been raised from the dead. And, He ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus died but isn’t dead. He is risen and reigning as Lord over the whole universe.
Who Was John Calvin?
There is no name that shines more brightly in the constellation of Evangelical Reformers than French theologian and pastor John Calvin (1509- 1564).
Reformed Theology is the simple yet life-transforming truth of biblical Christianity
Reformed Theology is the simple yet life-transforming truth of biblical Christianity
John Calvin’s Life & Legacy
John Calvin is one of the most influential thought leaders in history. His life and legacy have impacted the modern world.
John Calvin’s Written Work
John Calvin’s written works have shaken generations of people. They are rich in spiritual depth yet simple enough for anyone to read and understand.
John Calvin’s Life In Geneva
Geneva, Switzerland is where John Calvin spent 24 years of his ministry. Discover more about his incredible experiences in life and ministry while there.
John Calvin & Early America
America was radically influenced by John Calvin. His ideas shaped its history, religion, & culture.
Foundation Truths
What is Reformed Theology? – Part One.
God’s Sovereignty & the Scriptures