Who is John Calvin
The Five Points of Calvinism – Limited Atonement
Limited atonement is often considered the most controversial point of the Five Points of Calvinism. This is because, like Unconditional Election, it is often deemed unfair for God to save some and not others. Nevertheless, despite its controversy, limited atonement has been essential in the Reformed understanding of salvation from Calvin to today.
The Five Solas of the Reformation: Soli Deo Gloria
In the final installment of our Solas series, we hit on one of the major themes of the Reformed faith: Soli Deo Gloria, Latin for “Glory to God Alone.” This one phrase encapsulates the principle underpinning the essence of faith – that every action, endeavor, and facet of existence is to be directed towards the…
The Five Points of Calvinism – Irresistible Grace
Irresistible grace is the fourth point in the five points of Calvinism. It is sometimes thought of as the one that holds them all together. This is because, without God’s irresistible grace, the work of salvation can never begin. A century after Calvin, people were in an uproar about it. Debates broke out about how people came to believe in Jesus. Did people just will themselves into belief?
Which Statement Best Defines the Teachings of John Calvin?
John Calvin, a prominent figure of the 16th-century Protestant Reformation, left an indelible mark on Christian theology. His teachings, known as Calvinism, have shaped the understanding of countless believers throughout history. Central to Calvin’s theology are concepts like predestination, human depravity, and the authority of Scripture.
Why Did John Calvin Write the Institutes of the Christian Religion?
In the realm of theological literature, few works have had as profound an impact as John Calvin’s ‘The Institutes of the Christian Religion’. A towering figure of the Protestant Reformation, Calvin crafted this magnum opus with a purpose that resonated far beyond his time. Why did John Calvin write ‘The Institutes of the Christian Religion’?
The Five Points of Calvinism – Perseverance of the Saints
Before we go further into explaining the beautiful doctrine of perseverance, we must address the elephant in the room. When we say the “perseverance of the saints,” we don’t mean the kind of saints you see being honored in the Roman Catholic church with their halos and candles.